Give Your Small Business a Financial Boost

Depending on how long you’ve been a small business owner, you may prefer not to secure traditional financing from traditional lenders. Rather than risk rejection again and again while your business goes without, consider a new strategy. YWD Commercial Lending can set you up with a merchant cash advance. What’s great about this type of financing is you’re not taking out a new type of debt.

Use Future Sales for Present Needs

The way merchant cash advances work is you take money from future credit card sales. It’s your money, you’re just gaining access to it sooner than you normally would. There are several ways you can use your influx of funding:

  • Buying commercial equipment
  • Expanding your business
  • Advertising/marketing
  • Purchasing business supplies

Once we’ve approved your application, look for your funds (of up to $200,000 for each business location) within seven days. Don’t have the best credit? No problem. There’s little paperwork to take care of, and you don’t have to worry about closing costs or application fees. Our goal is to make things as easy, quick and painless as possible.

Think your small business and business needs are ideal for a merchant cash advance? Get in touch with us here at YWD Commercial Lending for expert help and expert advice.